100% satisfaction guarantee

Endless access to every premium feature.

Frequent updates to support your growth.

Unlimited Items, Customers,Reports…

Import/Export Files.

Secure Cloud backup for data protection.

24/7 Technical Support.

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Other way to pay your License

If you have any problem paying with Paypal you can pay with the secure payment Gumroad

Luxury, Limitless Growth

“Elevate your business with our exclusive Lifetime license. Seamlessly efficient, future ready, Built to elevate your business. Invest in luxury, invest in growth..”

Secured Payment

Secure Payment and Activation Process

Easy Payment, Quick Activation, and Reliable Support

Payments are processed securely through PayPal. While it may not be immediately apparent, you can use your regular credit card without the need to create a PayPal account.

Your Activation SERIAL will be sent via email to the address you provide during checkout. Please look for an email from support@restaupos.com and ensure you whitelist this address to avoid our message being sent to your spam folder. If PayPal is unavailable in your country, feel free to contact us for alternative payment options. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

Ready to Get Started?

Get our POS system today from Google Play and revolutionize your business.